VOID Elementals: Details On Week 1 Of The Elemental Gamma Reactor Drops

4 min readJul 15, 2021

Beginning Thursday, July 15th

The time has come. The VOID is active. And the Elementals are on their way from their celestial homes to your ethereal wallets. At least to those of you that were HODLing the Standard, Ion, and Quantum Reactors at the time of our first snapshot after the release of these advanced apparatuses.

As we stated in VOID Elementals: The Expansion of Series 1, those that were holding any of the three types of Reactors at the time of the first snapshot will receive at least 1, and up to 6 Elemental NFTs in the first week of the three week event. Here shortly, we will provide the likely percentages of you receiving multiple NFTs depending on the Reactor you were holding when the first snapshot was taken, July 10th.* And lastly, we will introduce the first 6 Elementals that will be making their appearance and expanding the VOID. Be on the lookout for our coming articles that will involve a bit more detail on the new Elementals and their involutions.

*Please reference VOID Elementals: July Roadmap for more information on the snapshots & drops

Week 1: July 15th

  • Standard Reactor (2,205 in supply)

- 100% chance of receiving 1 Elemental

- 10% chance of receiving 2 Elementals

- 5% chance of receiving 3 Elementals

- 3% chance of receiving 4 Elementals

- 1% chance of receiving 5 Elementals

- 1% chance of receiving 6 Elementals

  • Ion Reactor (999 in supply)

- 100% chance of receiving 1 Elemental

- 25% chance of receiving 2 Elementals

- 20% chance of receiving 3 Elementals

- 3% chance of receiving 4 Elementals

- 1% chance of receiving 5 Elementals

- 1% chance of receiving 6 Elementals

  • Quantum Reactor (299 in supply)

- 100% chance of receiving 1 Elemental

- 20% chance of receiving 2 Elementals

- 20% chance of receiving 3 Elementals

- 10% chance of receiving 4 Elementals

- 10% chance of receiving 5 Elementals

- 10% chance of receiving 6 Elementals

To sum all of those likely percentages of your reactor receiving one or more Elementals, we will put it in perspective like this:

Standard Reactors:

  • There will be 2,205 Standard Reactors that will receive at least 1 Elemental NFT. There will be 220 Standard Reactors that will receive at least 2 Elemental NFTs. There will be 110 Standard Reactors that will receive at least 3 NFTs. There will be 66 Standard Reactors that will receive at least 4 Elemental NFTs. There will be 22 Standard Reactors that will receive at least 5 Elemental NFTs. And finally, there will be 22 more Standard Reactors that will receive all 6 Elemental NFTs released in the first week.

Ion Reactors:

  • There will be 999 Ion Reactors that will receive at least 1 Elemental NFT. There will be 250 Ion Reactors that will receive at least 2 Elemental NFTs. There will be 200 Ion Reactors that will receive at least 3 Elemental NFTs. There will be 30 Ion Reactos that will receive at least 4 Elemental NFTs. There will be 10 Ion Reactors that will receive at least 5 Elemental NFTs. And finally, there will be 10 more Ion Reactors that will receive all 6 Elemental NFTs released in the first week.

Quantum Reactors:

  • There will be 299 Quantum Reactos that will receive at least 1 Elemental NFT. There will be 60 Quantum Reactors that will receive at least 2 Elemental NFTs. There will be an additional 60 Quantum Reactors that will receive at least 3 Elemental NFTs. There will be 30 Quantum Reactors that will receive at least 4 Elemental NFTs. There will be 30 more Quantum Reactors that will receive at least 5 Elemental NFTs. And finally, there will be another 30 Quantum Reactors that will receive all 6 Elemental NFTs released in the first week.

We hope that the above breakdowns are helpful to all of you numbers & non-numbers people in what to expect in the first week of drops. From here, we will present some specifics on the Elementals that will be making an appearance in this first week of drops. We will go into more detail on their characteristics in our coming Medium articles.

Week 1 Elementals & Their Scarcities:

Yb: 3501 in circulation

Tm: 1150 in circulation

Lr: 620 in circulation

Ho: 250 in circulation

Er: 124 in circulation

Dy: 62 in circulation

As you can see, there are some Elementals that are much more elusive than others. Many of your Reactors (all) will receive the Yb Elemental NFT. And very few of your Reactors (62) will receive the Dy Elemental NFT. We are crossing our fingers, toes, claws, tentacles, and whatever else appendages are a result of the VOID for all of you to receive every one of the newly expanded NFTs in our Series 1 collection. But unfortunately, math will not allow for that. So good luck to all of you and may the luckiest Reactors produce them all!

